
Saturday, August 23, 2014

1 Year in the mission!!

Lexie, Hna's C. and Wandell

The other day we went to the temple and the  (Lexie's) dad came up and asked me what the building that we were in was (the casa de los huespedes, where the people stay who travel from far away and it only costs 5 dollars) and he ended up giving us a ride back to the train station. they just moved here. (Her dad emailed me this picture and told me his daughter was about to go on a mission to Germany)

Abby's 6th Birthday

Funnest birthday party yet and of course i missed it.... rats...

Happy 1 Year in the Mission!!!!!!!!
It's so weird... it doesn't even feel like one year... it feels like 2 months... 

So I have to tell you about the weird experience we had the other day. So on Friday we went to take out our money and then went about the day, we both had more than 100 dollars with us. so that's more than 200. Well then we went to dinner than night and on the way home the member was telling us about how the missionaries (Sister J.) and been robbed in our area, (Sister J. twice!) and I don't know why but I was feeling kind of scared but we were in the car so it was alright. We got to the bus station and I noticed that there were guys behind us making cat calls and saying stupid stuff like they always do, but for some reason I was super scared. I didn't say anything to Chavez I just walked literally right next to her and pulled hard on her purse, she got the hint, and we started speed walking and then we ran down the stairs. When we got to where we were going I found the first man I could and stood right next to him. Then we were waiting for the bus and I told her what the guys were doing and they kept looking at us. I started to ask her how much it would cost to take a taxi, before I said the word taxi, she said it for me, so we got in and all was well. We got home just fine, then the other sisters called to tell us that they were going to stay the night with other sisters (a sister just had surgery) and when Chavez hung up the phone and told me I felt more scared. So I went upstairs and closed all the windows and blinds and downstairs as well, then she tells me "can I tellyou something?" yeah what? "I´m scared, and I have been since we took money out today". I was like hey me too but since we left dinner and it was worse when the sisters told us they weren't coming. She said the same so I told her to call Salguero. back and see if they couldn't come home so she did and Salguero said she had been having the same feeling all day and didn't know why so they were going to try and find a ride home. We hung up and I told her we were going to say a prayer because we both had a bad feeling that something was going to happen. She asked me where I feel the spirit, I said my heart, then she asked where I feel scared and I said my heart. I asked her the same and she said her back both times, so we knew that the spirit was trying to tell us something. All of a sudden someone tried to open the door and we said who is it and we knew the sisters had keys so we didn't move, well thank goodness it was them, it turns out that right after they hung up with us the assistants showed up to drop missionaries off at that house that had gone to the temple and so they gave the sisters a ride home. Needless to say nothing happened, but all 3 of us felt the same thing and maybe if they hadn't come home something would have happened. We have learned to pay attention to the promptings and to do everything to get rid of the feelings of terror. 

So you have not said anything about Pday's since you have been in Brisas. What do you guys do? Have you been hanging out with your district or zone?

With pday we just chill, we don't really care all that much about going places cause we have been everywhere and we just want to sleep and watch movies.

Dear Alyssa, I really miss and I am really glad that you can come to my party next year when I turn 7. I am thankful you could send me a birthday message. so I got a bike from my dad and guess what mommy gave me? A pinpad!! It is so fun. (It's not a pin pad, it is a leap pad LOL) And bandaids!! Uncle B. sent me 3 boxes of princess bandaids that I like so much. And markers and stickers and M & M's. They sure know what I like. And did you know Lucy's birthday is the next day after mine? And I got some movies and toys and paper and lots of stuff. And guess what Elder Hansen gave me? A candy land with princesses! Wasn't that so nice oh him? I think he is start to like me. I didn't even know that princesses came with candy land but it is fun. I will still have it when you come home so you can play with me. Did you know I got to have a princess bounce house? Mommy told them to come early so I could jump by myself for a little while. Mommy told me to tell you that I am 6 but I told her you already know that. Alyssa could you tell Hermana Chavez hi for me. I think she is probably nice and she smiles cute. Alyssa is it hot in Pamana? Do you have lots of friends in Panama because I know all your friends here went to missions to different places like California and Washington D.C.I liked your jokes. I love you Alyssa, thank you for teaching people about Jesus because he said we should love everyone. Alyssa how far is Panama from our house? I love you so so so so much, Love Alyssa from Abby

Dear Abby! how was your birthday cute girl?? I am so glad you liked your party and all your presents, I have a present for you and I am going to ask Elder Kipp to send it this week, I hope you like it. Hermana Chavez says hi back! Yes Panama is supppppppper hot! Panama is really far! I love you soooo much!! Love Lyssa!!

I found out there is a museum of panama here in the city.

Q. So what has been your favorite part of your whole mission experience?
What is it like to live in a foreign country?

A. I like it all, except the dogs and the men that whistle and have unlimited catcalls. My favorite part is knowing you helped someone. It's weird but interesting to live in a foreign country and kind of hard to accustom yourself to their culture. 

Q. What has been your most spiritual experience thus far?

A. most spiritual experience was with Juan.

I love you too! Sorry there are no pictures this week... I will see you soon!! Hug my Abby

Chao for now!